The era of Trump is often taken by analysts as a period dark times in the world economy, however Yohai Baisburd, the partner in Denton's’ International Trade Practice in Washington, doesn’t think so. At least in case of Panama. (more…)
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Panama News
Changes in migration policy for tourists residing in Panama
Foreigners living in Panama now must leave the country for a month if they want to re-enter Panama again. This and few other restrictions were recently announced by Javier Carrillo, the Director of Emigration Authority. (more…)
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Carnavals 2017
The long-awaited four days of fun, water and music were finally here, Panama has just celebrated Carnavals of 2017 - when the entire country does nothing but has fun, dances, rejoices, visits friends and families, relaxes on the beach, i.e. celebrates life - which is pretty much what carnaval is all about. (more…)
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Prosperous Panama
The Washington Times just published these facts about Panama and how its success can be traced to the use of the U.S. dollar as official currency. (more…)
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