The controversy generated this year by the Panama Papers may have left many Americans with a negative impression of Panama. (more…)
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Panama News
Panama City – the skyscraper capital of Latin America
After an unprecedented growth spurt, Panama City is undeniably the skyscraper capital of Latin America. Even the giant cities of South America, such as São Paulo, Santiago and Buenos Aires, can’t compare to the skyline of the Panama capital. (more…)
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Wind farms supply 13% of the Panama’s demand in electricity
Wind energy remains one of the most vastly expanding ways of power generation in Panama. During the first months of the 2016, the production increased by 11.1%. (more…)
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Viceroy Announces New Bocas del Toro Villa Resort
Viceroy Hotel Group has announced plans for Viceroy Bocas del Toro Panama, a resort and residences set to open in 2019. (more…)
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