BioMuseum of Panama

In 2014 Panama celebrates 100 years anniversary of the Canal. A lot is happening because of such incredible event. Among many projects there is an opening of the Museum of Biodiversity or BioMuseum.

Museum consists of eight rooms with total are close to 4,000 square meters (43,100 sq. feet). Here you can find out how was formed the Isthmus of Panama 3 million years ago, which has radically change out planet’s climate and influenced the flora and fauna of this beautiful country. The center of the museum has beautiful inner gallery, as well as conveniently located shop and cafeteria and spacious area for different exhibitions, including botanical garden.

Bio-Museum is located in the area of the former US military base, right at the entrance of Panama Cana. The idea of the design belongs to well-known architect Frank Gehry. He also designed famous Guugenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain and many other projects.

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