About Panama

Why Panama is interesting to live and do business? What attracts investors to this small Central American country, which lies on the border between the two continents, two great oceans?
Panama - the most developed and stable countries of Latin America, only recently celebrated its centenary, but develops enormous speed and attracts the attention of not only business, but also politicians, actors, as a possible future permanent residence. This is facilitated by social institutions of the country, where a thriving tolerance and understanding.
U.S. investors have long come to the Panamanian market . Now it is becoming more attractive for European merchants.
Panama is the world's second largest Free Trade Zone and the third largest financial center assets, more than 90 international banks.
Official currency of Panama is U.S. dollar which makes inflation rates mostly stable averaging 2% the last decade.
Panama is the country full of opportunities. In October 2008 the Government approved the project for Canal Expansion. Currently the project is at its final stages of completion and awaiting the beginning of the commercial operations early in 2016. According to many estimations, the modernization of the channel has to make a major impact on the economy and by 2025 Panamanian welfare has to reach modern level of the Netherlands.
Panama's modern skyline and the city full of unique architecture make people compare it often with Miami and Singapore. Urban infrastracture and telecommunications are constantly improving. Panama offers modern shopping malls, restaurants, almost all major hotel chains and much more. As for the connectivity, there are direct flight almost between all major cities of Northern America, several cities in Europe and many South American cities.
Another strong point of Panama - its financial security and confidentiality. Foreign investments are protected by more than 40 law acts, which don't allow any disclosure of bank information and provide equal opportunities for local and international businessses.
Prices for real estate are often compared with Eastern Europe and comparing to major cities in US are inexpensive.
Panama has one of the world's best programs for seniors. For many years this country was named one of the best locations for retirement. Affordable health care, benefit programs and attractive cost of living all contribute to this fact.
Finally it is hard not to notice the beauty of this country. Pacifica and Caribbean coasts landscapes, prestine mountain forests and jungle, paradise-like archipelagos. All of that attract millions of tourist every year and some of those who come want to stay forever.