The new toll-payment system united for Corredor Sur and Norte will replace the current card-based system by June 2015. Current system has a lot of disadvantages. Besides using separated payment systems and cards for each highway, drivers face daily traffic jams gathering against pay booths.
The new payment method is known as Panapass and allows to drive through the payment with the use of "electronic" sticker on each car. The main advantage of the new method is that it allows cars to pass tolls at higher speed, which will predictably create less traffic jams in the morning and evening rush hours when the congestion is the highest.
Payment for the new system will be widely available through Cable&Wireless offices, online banking, and other payment center like ePago, Multipago etc. The stickers can be installed in Panapass customer centers in Atlapa and Albrook Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.