Panama will continue as Latin America’s leader in maritime connectivity

According to the Maritime Connectivity Index which is calculated by the United Nation’s Conference of Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Panama stay in position of the leader in maritime connectivity in the region of Latina America.

This Index is compound of five factors: number of companies providing services from/to the ports of the evaluated country, size of the ships attended at the evaluated country (measured in TEUs), number of services connecting with other countries, total number of vessels circulating from/to the evaluated country and the number of containers loaded on ships circulating from/to the evaluated country. Panama remains as the leader followed by Mexico, Brazil, Colombia, Chile and Peru.

The dynamics of the index look as follows: 42.38 in 2012, 44.88 in 2013. Mexico improved from 38.81 to 41.80 and Brazils rating declines from 38.53 to 36.88.

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